Unpopular opinion: I secretly love talking about the benefits of PMS. Here’s why.

Can we talk about something that I think doesn’t get nearly enough love?


I know, it’s not the most glamorous topic. And the wellness industry will tell you that it shouldn’t even be a thing. But I think that viewpoint does women dirty. Here’s why I think that.

The bloating, the mood swings, the cravings… none of it feels like a “good thing” in the moment. But what if I told you that PMS is actually a powerful tool for understanding your body and your hormones?

PMS Is Your Body’s Monthly Report Card
Your menstrual cycle is like a report card for your overall health, and PMS is one of the ways your body communicates with you. When you experience symptoms like cramps, headaches, or irritability, it’s a sign that something in your system may need attention—whether it’s hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, or stress. Instead of seeing PMS as a nuisance, I like reframing the perspective- try viewing it as valuable feedback from your body. And how cool is it that we get this built-in feedback every 20-30 days?

It’s an Opportunity to Check-In
A common symptom people experience with PMS is anger and irritability.

This is the symptom that secretly gives me delight to talk about. Why? Because we’re often taught as women that anger and irritability is “bad” and that if we experience it, we’re “bad” people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Experiencing anger & irritability around PMS is a tremendous opportunity to check-in with yourself and lean into these emotions that are arising instead of immediately trying to suppress them. Oftentimes, in exploration on this with clients, we uncover that what’s really happening is not that they're a terrible person. In fact, the opposite is more true. That they’re a really good person, who’s been tolerating way too much throughout the rest of the month. That sacred time before the menstrual cycle starts brings forward all the things that are ready to come to the surface. If you look at the menstrual cycle as a metaphor, you’re getting ready to “clean house”, getting rid of what you no longer need. As within, so without. While your body is taking inventory of what it needs vs. doesn’t, so is your psyche. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to burn it all down, but, consciously interacting with the emotions that arise can offer a path to deeper self-awareness, better boundaries, and greater opportunity to know & care for yourself. Journaling about this can be helpful for some and I prompt I like to use with clients is “what is this [thing I’m experiencing, ex: anger] trying to tell me? What wisdom wants to be shared?”. Lean in, if you can, and get support on this if you need it.


If symptoms of PMS are significantly interfering with your enjoyment of life, your ability to function and your day to day activities, digging deeper with those symptoms will provide valuable insight about what’s out of balance. The body never gets it wrong, it’s always working in service to you. If we take anger/irritability as our example again, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, this can indicate that the liver needs some love. In this system of medicine, each organ or organ system is associated with an emotion and that can point us towards where we can better support the body physically and emotionally/spiritually. Considering this, incorporating liver-supportive foods such as beets, and herbs such as burdock root, can gently nudge the liver to function as it’s supposed to- metabolizing hormones, among other things, and watch common PMS symptoms such as cystic acne and anger soften.

Your Superpower Week
Here’s the cool part: PMS isn’t just about feeling bloated or irritable. It’s also a time when your body is urging you to slow down and tune in. Your brain’s right and left hemispheres communicate more effectively during this phase, making it a great time for reflection, problem-solving, and connecting with your intuition. Use this time to reassess priorities and make space for self-care. Take note of what needs to be released, make space for doing so, and incorporate gentle practices to support yourself. Maybe even create a luteal phase (when PMS often occurs) kit that includes a salt bath, herbal tea, your favorite clean burning candle (no hormone-disrupting artificial fragrances!), a journal, a book you love, or anything else that sounds supportive. It’s totally normal to feel like you need more sleep during this phase, even up to 9-10 hours. Do your best to make space for this, without shame.

What PMS Might Be Telling You
If your PMS symptoms are intense or disruptive, your body could be asking for some extra love. Here’s what you can do:

  • Balance Your Plate: Focus on whole foods, especially those rich in magnesium, B vitamins, and omega-3s. If you’re more hungry or craving more carbs during this time, opt for complex carbohydrates with good fiber and nutrients first. There’s still room for dark chocolate (it’s a source of magnesium, even!), but prioritize nourishment and nutrient-rich foods first.

  • Support Your Liver: Detox-friendly foods like leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, and adequate water help your body process excess hormones. Consider castor oil packs over the liver 3-4 times per week throughout the month for even more support.

  • Manage Stress: Chronic stress disrupts hormone balance. Incorporate daily practices like deep breathing, yoga, or gentle walks outside to keep your system calm. Do something that brings you joy every day to make sure you’re incorporating stress-balancing activities.

  • Check Your Hormones: If PMS symptoms are severe, it may be time to test your hormone levels with a trusted practitioner. Key to hormone testing is getting the timing right. Hormones such as estradiol, estrone, and prolactin are best tested around day 3-4 of the cycle (day 1 = first day of bleeding), while progesterone is best tested 7-10 days after ovulation.

A Monthly Opportunity
PMS is your body’s way of reminding you to slow down, listen, and nurture yourself. While it’s a common message that we should dread PMS, my perspective is clearly different. I believe we can lean into what arises, allowing it to guide us, and also investigate symptoms holistically, pointing us to root-causes. Consider embracing it as your built-in opportunity to reconnect with your body’s needs. It’s not just a symptom—it’s a signal that you’re alive, cycling, and capable of making adjustments to feel your best.

— Dr. Ashley 🌿

Looking to support your hormones and feel your best all month long? Let’s chat! I offer free connection calls to discuss your concerns, my approach and if we’re a good fit for each other.


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