Next level leadership, naturally
Take your health + leadership to the next level with holistic health support.
Holistic health support for ambitious folks.
Take your health + leadership to the next level, naturally + effectively. Dr. Ashley’s approach works with you + your body’s innate wisdom to create a customized plan for getting your health back on track, or build even more vitality.
When it comes to health, one size does not fit all. You need a comprehensive, individualized wellness plan that addresses the root cause of your concerns, considers your unique needs and helps bring YOUR body back into balance.
Dr. Ashley helps folks craving:
Focus + clarity that supports sustainable productivity + creativity
Reliable energy to help put your big plans into action
Quality sleep to fuel you and the work you’re here to do.
Consistent moods, presence + patience with yourself + your family or team.
Insight + wisdom about yourself + data to back it all up.
Clear, radiant skin, so you can show up to any meeting feeling confident.
Reliable digestion to keep you free from digestive distractions and focused on your goals.
A deeper understanding of how to work WITH your natural rhythms and cycles to optimize your day to day experience (+ easier, reliable menstrual cycles!)
An equally ambitious guide to collaborate with + help you
end the frustrating cycle of flirting with burnout.Ease and flow in creating a plan to optimize wellbeing now, and in the future.
Grounded practices to support your driven life.
So that you can bring your dreams to life.
*Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors
Work with the
wisdom of your body.
Dr. Ashley’s grounded, holistic Approach
for the visionaries who want something different with their health.
Commit to collaboration
Step one is committing to a collaborative relationship with Dr. Ashley. In your first visit, she’ll spend time really getting to know your health history, health story, and current symptoms/concerns. She’ll listen to your experience of being you and invite you to be a key player on your own health team. Sessions together are a collaborative effort.
Gather Data
Gathering data is an important part of the process of uncovering the heart of your symptoms. Dr. Ashley leverages simple blood testing and only as indicated, other functional labs. A simple approach helps us stay focused on what really matters- YOU and how you feel. We dig into your health history, mind-body experience, and any potential factors that may be contributing to your current symptoms or concerns. You’re more than just your labs and you deserve a whole-person approach.
Address the cause
Pairing data with experience helps us identify the root cause of your concerns. Dr. Ashley considers not just physical data, but also potential mind-body data as part of the investigation. Symptoms are important guide-posts that direct us to dig deeper. Instead of chasing symptoms with supplements or pills, we work together to uncover the root cause of your specific concerns and then address our plans towards that. This gets you real, sustainable results, naturally.
Focus on Foundations
Health + wellbeing are built from consistent daily habits that add up overtime. Nutrition, movement, hydration, sunlight, sleep, elimination, and creativity/joy are foundational for sustainable wellness. Dr. Ashley helps you focus on foundations to help your body build the kind of health + wellbeing it’s meant for.
Fine-tune the plan
While building robust foundations, we’ll fine-tune as we go, leveraging herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, and other natural remedies to support your journey. No two plans are exactly alike from client to client, because no two health journeys are exactly alike. Dr. Ashley considers your specific goals and lifestyle needs to create a plan that’s uniquely yours.
live whole-listically
The root of “health” is “wholeness”. Healing doesn’t mean no more health concerns for the rest of your life. Healing means to be wholly present for what your body needs, at every stage of life. Working with Dr. Ashley means you get a partner on this journey so that you never have to lose sleep on internet searches for mysterious symptoms again.
Ready for your health to be your best business asset?
schedule your free connection call
During this call, you’ll discuss your symptoms, concerns, and goals with Dr. Ashley. We want to be certain that Dr. Ashley’s approach to hormone imbalances is a good fit for your needs and that there’s a high probability of success for you before moving forward with the first in-depth visit. Click here to schedule your free connection call.
Detailed assessment & plan
After your free consultation with Dr. Ashley, and we agree that this approach is a good fit for you, the next step forward is the Initial Appointment. At this visit, we’ll do a thorough assessment of your goals, medical history, and other factors to identify root causes of your concerns and devise the right approach for you based upon the goals you have discussed.
After this assessment, you will be given a plan with simple, easy-to-follow instructions. Your plan will include dietary and lifestyle adjustments as well as herbal supplements tailored to YOUR needs. If additional labs would be helpful for gaining clarity on your concerns, these will be discussed at this appointment. If you are local to Colorado, Dr. Ashley can order these labs for you and collection instructions will be given at this time. If you live outside of Colorado, Dr. Ashley can provide a list of suggested labs which you can discuss with your primary care provider.
Please note that all appointments are conveniently offered via a secure Telehealth video conference platform.
Treatment & Symptom resolution
We’ll meet monthly to ensure that symptoms are headed in the right direction. We want to make sure your plan is providing you with:
Balanced hormones
Plenty of energy
Excellent sleep
More frequent & consistent “good days”— energy, mood, stamina, focus
Decreased inflammation
Less pain with periods
Clearer skin
Predictable periods & ovulatory cycles
Optimized fertility
More regular check-ins are available if you need or desire closer support.
Transitional care as improvements are maintained
Once we see improvements that are maintaining over time, we will start spacing visits out further apart. This usually occurs after 6 to 9 visits, with some individual variability. We will go from monthly visits to visits every 6 weeks, then every 8-10 weeks, then on an as-needed basis for “tune-ups.” We are here for you in case you have other healthcare issues you want to address. Of course, many people wish to continue with regular maintenance, and Dr. Ashley is always happy to work with you on that level.
taking care of your team and loved ones
We are honored and proud that most new patients are referred to us by other patients or members of the community who have experienced the profound effects of Dr. Ashley’s holistic approach to wellness. We love to help people feel better in their bodies and their lives. We would love to help your team, family, friends and colleagues on their own path to better health — more joy, more energy, more focus, more presence.
Dr. Ashley very much looks forward to helping your friends, family, and loved ones on their journey to a more joyful, energetic, purposeful life.
* Legal Disclaimer
*Individual results may vary. There is no guarantee of specific results and, warranted or implied, and individual results depend on several factors. Dr. Ashley is a Naturopathic Doctor regulated by the State of Colorado’s Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), Office of Naturopathic Doctor Regulation. Under these regulations, she cannot serve as a primary care physician and requires that you have a relationship with a primary care provider. She can offer holistic health consultations outside of Colorado, but cannot act as your physician out of state.